hiring a moving company
You may be wondering whether it’s worth hiring a moving company to help you with your big move. Here we have summed up the pros and cons of hiring a professional moving company such as That Guy Van Lines.

Pros of hiring a moving company

1. You have less weight on your shoulders

Hiring a professional moving company takes the literal and figurative weight off your shoulders! The more that you can delegate your moving tasks, the more you can handle other responsibilities. There is no shortage of tasks on the moving day.

2. Professional moving companies have insurance

Professional moving companies have insurance if they break or damage your belongings. If you damage an item while moving it by yourself, you are not insured for the damage!

Cons of hiring a moving company

1. They can be expensive

The further away you are moving and the more belongings you have to move, the more it will cost. You should consider that more experienced and professional movers may charge higher prices. In exchange, you will receive better service. That Guy Van Lines always aims to make its prices competitive for all our customers.

2. You’re putting trust in them

For professional movers, moving your items is another day on the job. Some of your items may be rare, expensive, or have sentimental value which is irreplaceable.
Before you hand off your possessions to cheap fly-by-night moving companies, you should look into your options.
That Guy Van Lines ensures that all our customers’ possessions are treated with the care and respect that they deserve.

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Whether it’s your double bed, your TV, or your boxes of clothes, there’s a lot of lifting a twisting when moving. Professional movers reduce this stress and workload. Here we highlight a few of the top reasons to move with a professional moving company!

Hiring a professional moving company makes your move Easy!

Moving with a professional moving company can offer you ease and peace of mind. This is because moving consultants such as That Guy Van Lines know exactly how to help you. They know what equipment is necessary to get your belongings from A to B in one piece.
Professional movers can provide you an often-forgotten task checklist when moving. Tasks such as canceling cable services and changing your address with service providers.
When moving your house, professional movers such as That Guy Van Lines use the correct tools. This makes your move easier and more efficient from the get-go.

Professional moving companies have insurance

Professional moving companies such as That Guy Van Lines carry liability insurance. This means that if your belongings get damaged during a move, you have coverage.
But, if you move house by yourself and damage an item, you are not covered.

Safety comes first when you hire a professional mover

Professional movers have several years of experience in moving your belongings. They are well accustomed to safe lifting and best practices when moving heavy or large items.
When using a professional moving service, you are less likely to suffer an injury like a back strain as a result.

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